For Smartermail (Windows hosting)
To configure your SPAM options you will need to log into webmail at
From there, go into your settings and you will see SPAM Options.
Advanced Content Filtering - Create filters step-by-step with the most advanced and easy to use content filtering interface of any mail server. Over 25 types of filters provide a method to handle almost any scenario. |
Folder Auto-Clean - Establish policies that can automatically delete old email messages in Deleted Items, Junk E-Mail, and Sent Items folders to help keep disk space under control. Choose to allow domain administrators or end users to override your settings if you want to give them more flexibility. |
Bayesian Filtering and SPF - Use advanced statistics to analyze your email for spam. With your help, Bayesian Filtering learns what spam is and can adapt to the ever changing spam situation on the web. Combine Bayesian Filtering with other advanced anti-spam measures (spam lists, revers DNS, verify sender, etc.) to protect yourself to an even greater extent. SPF helps in the fight against spoofed email. |
Advanced content filtering |
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